學生活動與工作坊專區 Student English Support & Workshops

111學年度NYCU Talk Show 111 Academic Year NYCU Talk Show

111學年度NYCU Talk Show 111 Academic Year NYCU Talk Show

一年一度充滿專屬陽明交大人才的NYCU TALK SHOW也正式開張啦✨

NYCU TALK SHOW已備妥優質舞台與豐厚的獎勵等著你們來爭取囉!


即日起開放同學們借用場地及錄影器材(器材僅於203辦公室使用,不得外借),地點為陽明校區知行樓前棟203辦公室(7-11二樓),請同學將影片內容練習完整後再前來錄影,並攜帶USB、外接硬碟或記憶卡方便存取影片帶回進行後製剪輯,並請使用Google calendar進行場地及設備預約(

bmse.emi@gmail.com或致電 02-2826-7000 分機65350預約。在與我們聯繫之前,請先查看我們的Google 日曆,確認下一個預約的時段(標題尚未填寫姓名的時段,皆可預約)

The annual NYCU TALK SHOW is officially open! ✨ Are you frustrated because there's no stage for you to showcase your academic research? Do you regret having abundant learning achievements but no opportunity to share them with others? And what's even worse, no one is willing to be persuaded to join an EMI course by you, right? This competition will be conducted in teams of up to three members, aiming for students to engage in mutual communication and collaboration. We hope that through this platform, not only will you be able to speak fluently in English on stage, but you will also enhance your interdisciplinary learning abilities.

Your worries are no longer worries because NYCU TALK SHOW has prepared a quality stage and generous rewards for you to strive for! Hurry up and fill out the registration form!

From now on, students can borrow the venue and recording equipment (equipment is only available in the 203 office and cannot be loaned out) located at the 203 office of the front building of Zhixing Building, Yangming Campus (2nd floor of 7-11). Please practice the content of the video in advance before coming for recording, and bring a USB drive, external hard drive, or memory card for easy access to the recorded video for post-production editing. Please use Google Calendar to make reservations for the venue and equipment (calendar link: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0?cid=ZWIzNDhhN2IwMTY5NTA4OTQ4NmU3YzEzMDBmZGEwNjUzNjFhNDcyZDk2MzhiZmQyZjk2N2Q4ZDIxZmRhMjI1Y0Bncm91cC5jYWxlbmRhci5nb29nbGUuY29t). Each team of students can reserve up to one hour at a time, with a maximum of four hours per week. Students are welcome to make full use of the facilities.

Reservation method: If you wish to make a reservation, please send an email to bmse.emi@gmail.com or call 02-2826-7000 ext. 65350 for a reservation. Before contacting us, please check our Google Calendar to confirm the next available time slot (time slots without names in the title can be reserved).

1. 111學年度