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NYCU TALK 大學組參賽心得 NYCU TALK Undergraduate Group Competition Experience Sharing
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大學組 醫學工學系 張育哲
As I have been watching Ted talk for a long period of time, so upon seeing the chance to participate in the NYCU talk, I was excited to see enroll in this event. The underlying reason for giving a talk to the public on campus is of great experience and importance for it is the driving force to share different knowledge to students and faculty from different backgrounds and departments.
Besides, standing on the stage to give a fluent speech required courage and determination. So, given this chance, it is a fabulous opportunity to horn our speaking skills and make the better of ourselves.
The topic I chose was related to the field in my major. As I am a major in biomedical engineering, I hope to let more people get acquainted with biomedical engineering and know what people in this field are working and what aim we are pursuing. As biomedical engineering is an interdisciplinary field, so the way I organize my talk would be a combination of engineering, biology and of course make emphasize on the terminal goal: to make the human live better and push the frontier of the clinical application so that patients and medical care staff and enjoy the result of the cutting-edge technology nowadays. All in all, find a topic, and follow the core idea you would want to share with others. And most importantly ,add some questions or mystery in the slide so all the audience would be curious and focus more on your talk.
3. 對於有興趣參與NYCU talk show的同學有什麼鼓勵的話想說嗎?
If you ever had only just a flash of thought to join, then go for it! The process of preparing for the slides and materials, or even thinking how to explain professional thoughts in a simple way may be tough and arduous. However, the result is definitely worthwhile that we can learn to express ourselves and even be the one to spread knowledge with people aside us. So never hesitate, you are encouraged to do different challenges or even step out of our comfort zone and relish all the obstacles lying ahead! And last but not least, as practice makes perfect, practice more, and talk more before the official competition, you will sure be competent to overcome this task! -
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NYCU TALK 碩博組參賽心得 NYCU TALK Graduate Group Competition Experience Sharing
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碩博組 電機系博士 黃千瑜
我花了很多時間思考「如何讓『大眾』都能了解我的研究與其背後的動機」! 隔行如隔山,大家不可能了解每個領域的專有名詞,因此淺顯易懂的說明、有趣的「比喻」和「形容」研究成果都是必要的,而說故事的模式經常引人入勝。
2. 準備過程中有遇到任何問題嗎,最後如何解決呢?
3.對於有興趣參與NYCU talk show的同學有什麼鼓勵的話想說嗎?
我很推薦參與這項活動! 但不要把它想成是一個競賽,而是一個可以盡情展現自我的舞台。不管是分享生活經驗或學術研究,我相信所有的參與者都能找到自己的理想!
1. Did you do any preparation for this competition?
I spent a lot of time thinking about "how to make my research and its motivation understandable to the general public"! Different fields have their own jargon, and it is necessary to provide clear explanations, interesting "metaphors" and "descriptions" of research results. The storytelling mode often captivates the audience.
2. Did you encounter any problems during the preparation process, and how did you solve them in the end?
I think the biggest problem was "due to the outbreak of the pandemic, the competition was changed to an online format". When communicating with people face-to-face, I have natural eye contact and body language, but facing a computer camera is a different story. For nearly a week, I observed how beauty influencers do live streams and sell products, learned from their facial expressions and speaking tones, and participated in the competition with a sharing mindset.
3. Do you have any words of encouragement for students interested in participating in the NYCU talk show?
I strongly recommend participating in this event! However, instead of seeing it as a competition, think of it as a stage where you can showcase yourself to the fullest. Whether you are sharing life experiences or academic research, I believe that all participants can find their ideal presentation style.