雙語獎勵與招募專區 Incentives and hiring information

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    生物醫學暨工程學院學生英語活動獎勵辦法 Student English Activity Incentive Policy












    醫工院EMI推廣辦公室,E-mail: bmse.emi@gmail.com

    To encourage students not only to learn professional English knowledge in class, but also to apply English through self-organized activities. 

    Application principles:
    The activity content must be a full-English activity with at least 30 minutes and a minimum of 10 participants. Rewardable activities can be a part of the overall activity, such as a full-English activity during the orientation process, or a full-English segment during a departmental activity. Not limited to the entire departmental activities, class, laboratory and other group activities can also be applied. 

    Application and closing methods:
    The activity application form and reward plan must be submitted two weeks before the activity. The activity process must be accompanied by EMI-related publicity and questionnaire surveys. The activity record sheet and activity photo files must be submitted within two weeks after the activity is completed before fund reimbursement. 

    Reward principles:
    Rewardable funds are based on the activity content, with a maximum principle of NT$5,000. If the number of participants reaches 100, the reward limit can be increased based on the activity content. The reward fund is based on actual expenses and items must comply with the planned use form. The invoice must have the school's unified business number / name (87557573 / National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University). 

    Reward fund usage principles:
    Consumable costs (activity miscellaneous expenses, printing fees) Meal compensation (only for activities during lunch hours) 

    Acceptance unit:
    BME EMI Promotion Office, Email: bmse.emi@gmail.com



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    學生英語能力測驗獎勵辦法 English Proficiency Test Incentive Policy


    獎勵本校非英語系國家之學生參與英語能力檢測,以提升英語能力,獎勵檢測之成績標 準、獎勵金額上限及獎勵辦法如下:

    「財團法人語言訓練測驗中心」舉辦之全民英語能力分級檢定測驗 GEPT:通過中高級 初複試(含聽說讀寫四項),獎勵 3000 元;通過高級初複試(含聽說讀寫四項),獎勵 5000 元。
    托福測驗 (TOEFL):iBT (Internet-Based T ):79分 (含) 以上者,獎勵 3000 元 ; 92分 (含) 以上者,獎勵 5000 元。
    雅思 (IELTS):聽說讀寫皆達 6.0 (含) 以上者,獎勵 3000 元 ; 聽說讀寫皆達 6.5 (含) 以上者,獎勵 5000 元。
    多益(TOEIC): 聽力及閱讀成績總和達 785 分(含) 以上且口說及寫作成績總和 310 分 (含)以上者,獎勵 3000 元;聽力及閱讀成績總和達 945 分(含) 以上且口說及寫作成績 總和 360 分(含)以上者,獎勵 5000 元。
    英國劍橋大學國際英文認證(Test of Cambridge Certificate):聽說讀寫四項成績 皆達 CEFR B2 等級(含)以上者,獎勵 3000 元;聽說讀寫四項成績皆達 CEFR C1 等級(含) 以上者,獎勵 5000 元。
    英國劍橋大學領思英語檢測(Linguaskill):聽說讀寫四項成績皆達 CEFR B2 等級 (含)以上者,獎勵 3000 元;聽說讀寫四項成績皆達 CEFR C1 等級(含)以上者,獎勵 5000 元。



    For the academic year 112, the approval status of the project funds is under consideration.
    The results are scheduled to be announced in June of the academic year 113.
    We kindly ask applying students for their patience during this waiting period.

    Reward Scheme for Non-English Speaking Country Students to Participate in English Proficiency Tests at Our University, to enhance their English ability. The standards of test results, maximum reward amount, and reward procedures are as follows:

    GEPT (General English Proficiency Test) conducted by the Language Training & Testing Center: Award 3000 NT dollars for passing intermediate-high or advanced level tests (including listening, speaking, reading, and writing); Award 5000 NT dollars for passing advanced-high level tests (including listening, speaking, reading, and writing).
    TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) iBT (Internet-Based Test): Award 3000 NT dollars for scores of 79 or above (inclusive); Award 5000 NT dollars for scores of 92 or above (inclusive).
    IELTS (International English Language Testing System): Award 3000 NT dollars for scores of 6.0 or above (inclusive) in listening, speaking, reading, and writing; Award 5000 NT dollars for scores of 6.5 or above (inclusive) in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
    TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication): Award 3000 NT dollars for a total score of 785 or above (inclusive) in listening and reading sections, and a total score of 310 or above (inclusive) in speaking and writing sections; Award 5000 NT dollars for a total score of 945 or above (inclusive) in listening and reading sections, and a total score of 360 or above (inclusive) in speaking and writing sections.
    Cambridge English Assessment (Test of Cambridge Certificate): Award 3000 NT dollars for scores of CEFR B2 level or above (inclusive) in listening, speaking, reading, and writing; Award 5000 NT dollars for scores of CEFR C1 level or above (inclusive) in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
    Linguaskill (Cambridge Assessment English): Award 3000 NT dollars for scores of CEFR B2 level or above (inclusive) in listening, speaking, reading, and writing; Award 5000 NT dollars for scores of CEFR C1 level or above (inclusive) in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

    Starting from the academic year of 2021-2022 (after August 1, 2021), each person is limited to one reward for achieving the English proficiency test standard, and those who have already received any reward cannot apply again.
    Those who apply for English proficiency test rewards need to submit the English Proficiency Test Reward Application Form, the original score report (returned after on-site and photocopy verification), and a photocopy of the score report (to be prepared by the applicant) to the CBMSE Bilingual Education Promotion Task Force (Room A330 on Experimental Building).

    After approval, the applicant will be notified by email, and they are required to provide remittance information to bmse.emi@gmail.com.

    The application deadline is June 30, 2024.


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    雙語化學習計畫經費支給規定 Regulations for the Funding of the Bilingual Learning Program


    111.11.16 1110047336 字號簽案核可

    一、為有效執行教育部大專校院學生雙語化學習計畫之重點培育學院,在此計畫之整體目標及階段 性績效指標架構下,依據大專校院推動雙語化計畫補助暨經費使用原則,訂定本校「學生雙語 化學習計畫之重點培育學院經費支給規定」(以下簡稱本規定)。
    四、為提升學校整體雙語化學習環境,強化全英語授課之雙語專業人才培育,以及學生英語能力, 經費使用範圍如下:

    1、 學校編制外,聘任國內外學者、專家、技術人員或博士後研究人員擔任教學人員及編制外 計畫管理人才之薪資。
    2、 編制內教師(包括研究人員及專業技術人員)除本俸、學術加給及主管職務加給以外之經 費(含彈性薪資及開設全英語課程獎勵金)。

    (1) 開設全英語課程依必選修課程及修課人數以點數計算獎勵金。必修課每學分 1 點,選修 課依選修學生人數分級:20 人(含)以上每學分 1 點;1-19 人每學分 0.5 點。若多位教師 共同擔任同一課程教學時,則由系所依據教師的授課時間分配比例,將課程學分數配給 教師。每點獎勵金以 1 萬元為原則,然實際金額視當年度核定之計畫經費與使用情況與 使用情況調整。語言訓練課程、書報討論、論文研討、專題、演講等性質之相關課 程不得支領獎勵金。
    (2) 錄製雙語教學相關之線上影片課程,以便放置連結於各系網站或雙語辦公室網站,供學 生線上學習使用。影片長度每兩小時 1 點,每點獎勵金以 1 萬元為原則,然實際金額視 當年度核定之計畫經費與使用情況與使用情況調整。
    (3) 為鼓勵英語教學,增設英語教學獎,院評審委員由系推薦之英語教學教師名單中,視情 形選出若干名「院英語教學獎」得主,由學院頒發獎狀及每人獎金新台幣壹萬元整。

    3、 辧理雙語教學相關之講座、工作坊、研習會、座談會、訓練進修和學生英語能力競賽等活 動之費用。
    4、 辧理雙語教學相關之講座、工作坊、研習會、座談會、訓練進修和學生英語能力競賽時, 得聘請校內外專家學者之講座鐘點費,及校外專家學者出席費、審查費等相關費用。
    5、 聘任編制外專案工作人員之薪資,包括教學指導員(mentor)、教學助理(TA)人才或相關 行政人員、助理等薪資、鐘點費、津貼或工讀金等費用。臨時工資和工讀金依照本校支給 規定辦理。
    6、 教師參與本校國際高教培訓暨認證中心 (Higher Education Accreditation for Teaching, HEAT) 培訓並獲得國際高等教育專業認證 (HEA Fellowship) 之培訓費用。
    7、 學生學習、輔導、國際交流及提升學生學習成效等相關費用。
    8、 獎勵本校非英語系國家之學生參與英語能力檢測,以提升英語能力,獎勵檢測之成績標 準、獎勵金額上限及獎勵辦法如下:

    (1) 「財團法人語言訓練測驗中心」舉辦之全民英語能力分級檢定測驗 GEPT:通過中高級 初複試(含聽說讀寫四項),獎勵 3000 元;通過高級初複試(含聽說讀寫四項),獎勵 5000 元。
    (2) 托福測驗 (TOEFL):iBT (Internet-Based T ):79 分 (含) 以上者,獎勵 3000 元 ; 92 分 (含) 以上者,獎勵 5000 元。
    (3) 雅思 (IELTS):聽說讀寫皆達 6.0 (含) 以上者,獎勵 3000 元 ; 聽說讀寫皆達 6.5 (含) 以上者,獎勵 5000 元。
    (4) 多益(TOEIC): 聽力及閱讀成績總和達 785 分(含) 以上且口說及寫作成績總和 310 分 (含)以上者,獎勵 3000 元;聽力及閱讀成績總和達 945 分(含) 以上且口說及寫作成績 總和 360 分(含)以上者,獎勵 5000 元。
    (5) 英國劍橋大學國際英文認證(Test of Cambridge Certificate):聽說讀寫四項成績 皆達 CEFR B2 等級(含)以上者,獎勵 3000 元;聽說讀寫四項成績皆達 CEFR C1 等級(含) 以上者,獎勵 5000 元。
    (6) 英國劍橋大學領思英語檢測(Linguaskill):聽說讀寫四項成績皆達 CEFR B2 等級 (含)以上者,獎勵 3000 元;聽說讀寫四項成績皆達 CEFR C1 等級(含)以上者,獎勵 5000 元。
    (7) 自 110 學年度起參加英語能力檢測達標準,每人獎勵以一次為限,凡接受過任一獎勵 者,不得再提出申請。

    9、 學生英語能力競賽活動辦理及獎金等相關費用。

    (1) 學生英語能力競賽由校內外委員評選出冠、亞、季軍各一名(隊),以及佳作三名 (隊)。
    (2) 競賽為個人競賽時,學生英語能力競賽獎金上限:冠軍一名 2 萬元;亞軍一名 1 萬元; 季軍一名 5000 元;佳作每名 2500 元。
    (3) 競賽為團體競賽時,學生英語能力競賽獎金上限:冠軍一隊 4 萬元;亞軍一隊 2 萬元; 季軍一隊 1 萬元;佳作每隊 5000 元。
    (4) 以上獎項與獎金,得按舉辦活動需求,分組頒發,例如:研究所/大學部組,冠、亞、 季、佳作;不同領域組別(醫學組/工程組/人社組/...),冠、亞、季、佳作。

    13、其他推動建置學校雙語教學環境所需之經費 (含網頁設計、建置與維護費用)。


    National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Student Bilingual Learning Program
    Key Cultivation College Funding Regulations

    In order to effectively implement the Ministry of Education's key cultivation colleges for student bilingual learning program, based on the overall goals and phased performance indicators of this program, and in accordance with the principles of subsidy and funding utilization for promoting bilingual education programs in higher education institutions, these "Funding Regulations for Student Bilingual Learning Program Key Cultivation Colleges" (hereinafter referred to as "these regulations") are established.
    Funding Source: Subsidies provided by the Ministry of Education for the key cultivation colleges of our university's student bilingual learning program.
    Faculty members of the key cultivation colleges should teach their individual courses in English, taking into account the course content, characteristics, and future development. This includes the use of English textbooks and conducting teaching, seminars, and grading in English.
    In order to enhance the overall bilingual learning environment of the school, strengthen the cultivation of bilingual professionals for full English instruction, and improve students' English proficiency, the funding usage scope is as follows:

    (1) Salaries for hiring domestic and international scholars, experts, technical personnel, or postdoctoral researchers as teaching staff and personnel for non-regular programs outside the school's establishment.

    (2) Expenses for regular teachers (including researchers and professional technical personnel) in addition to their basic salary, academic allowances, and managerial position allowances (including flexible salaries and incentives for offering full English courses).

    Incentive rewards for offering full English courses are calculated based on credit points according to the required and elective courses and the number of students enrolled. For required courses, 1 point per credit; for elective courses, the points are graded based on the number of students enrolled: 1 point per credit for 20 students or more; 0.5 points per credit for 1-19 students. If multiple teachers jointly teach the same course, the department will allocate the course credits to the teachers based on their teaching time proportion. The incentive reward is generally set at 10,000 NTD per point, but the actual amount may be adjusted based on the approved project funding and usage in the current year. Language training courses, discussions of papers and articles, thesis seminars, projects, speeches, and other related courses are not eligible for incentive rewards.
    Recording online video courses related to bilingual instruction to be linked on department websites or the bilingual office website for students' online learning. Each 2-hour video is considered as 1 point, and the incentive reward is generally set at 10,000 NTD per point, but the actual amount may be adjusted based on the approved project funding and usage in the current year.
    To encourage English instruction, an English Teaching Award will be established. The College Evaluation Committee will select several recipients of the "College English Teaching Award" from the list of English teaching teachers recommended by the departments. The college will present certificates and award each recipient a prize of 10,000 NTD.

    (3) Expenses for organizing bilingual instructional lectures, workshops, seminars, panel discussions, training programs, continuing education, and student English proficiency competitions.
    (4) When organizing bilingual instructional lectures, workshops, seminars, panel discussions, training programs, and student English proficiency competitions, expenses related to hiring experts and scholars both from within and outside the school, such as speaker fees, attendance fees, review fees, and other relevant expenses, may be incurred.
    (5) Salaries for hiring non-regular project staff, including teaching mentors, teaching assistants (TAs), administrative personnel, assistants, and other related expenses such as hourly fees, allowances, or work-study wages. Temporary wages and work-study wages will be provided in accordance with the regulations of our university.
    (6) Expenses for teachers participating in training programs offered by our university's Higher Education Accreditation for Teaching (HEAT) and obtaining international higher education professional certification (HEA Fellowship).
    (7) Expenses related to student learning, counseling, international exchanges, and enhancing student learning outcomes.
    (8) Incentives for non-native English-speaking students from our university to participate in English proficiency tests, aimed at improving their English proficiency. The criteria, maximum reward amounts, and incentive methods are as follows:

    General English Proficiency Test (GEPT) organized by the Language Training and Testing Center: Passing the intermediate-advanced initial examination (including listening, speaking, reading, and writing) will be rewarded with 3,000 NTD; passing the advanced initial examination (including listening, speaking, reading, and writing) will be rewarded with 5,000 NTD.
    Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL): For the iBT (Internet-Based Test), a score of 79 or above will be rewarded with 3,000 NTD; a score of 92 or above will be rewarded with 5,000 NTD.
    International English Language Testing System (IELTS): Achieving a score of 6.0 or above in each section (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) will be rewarded with 3,000 NTD; achieving a score of 6.5 or above in each section will be rewarded with 5,000 NTD.
    Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC): For the combined listening and reading scores, achieving a total score of 785 or above, and for the combined speaking and writing scores, achieving a total score of 310 or above, will be rewarded with 3,000 NTD; achieving a total score of 945 or above for listening and reading, and a total score of 360 or above for speaking and writing, will be rewarded with 5,000 NTD.
    Cambridge English Qualifications: Achieving a score of at least CEFR B2 level (or above) in all four sections (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) will be rewarded with 3,000 NTD; achieving a score of at least CEFR C1 level (or above) in all four sections will be rewarded with 5,000 NTD.
    Cambridge Assessment English Linguaskill: Achieving a score of at least CEFR B2 level (or above) in all four sections (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) will be rewarded with 3,000 NTD; achieving a score of at least CEFR C1 level (or above) in all four sections will be rewarded with 5,000 NTD.
    Starting from the 110th academic year, each individual who meets the English proficiency test criteria will be rewarded only once. Applicants who have previously received any of the rewards are not eligible to reapply.

    (9) Expenses related to organizing student English proficiency competitions and award prizes.

    Student English proficiency competitions will be evaluated by internal and external committees, and one champion, one runner-up, one second runner-up, and three commendable works (individual or team) will be selected.
    For individual competitions, the maximum award amounts for the student English proficiency competition are as follows: Champion - 20,000 NTD; Runner-up - 10,000 NTD; Second runner-up - 5,000 NTD; Commendable work (per person) - 2,500 NTD.
    For team competitions, the maximum award amounts for the student English proficiency competition are as follows: Champion (per team) - 40,000 NTD; Runner-up (per team) - 20,000 NTD; Second runner-up (per team) - 10,000 NTD; Commendable work (per team) - 5,000 NTD.
    The above awards and prize money can be distributed in groups according to the needs of the event, for example: graduate school/undergraduate division category - champion, runner-up, second runner-up, commendable work; different field categories (medical, engineering, social sciences, etc.) - champion, runner-up, second runner-up, commendable work.

    (10) Directly related expenses for establishing a fully English instructional environment, including software and hardware setup.

    (11) Organizing domestic and international bilingual teaching and academic exchange activities.

    (12) Funding related to regional resource sharing and inter-school exchanges.
    (13) Other expenses required to promote the establishment of a bilingual teaching environment in the school, including website design, setup, and maintenance costs.​​​​​​​

    ​​​​​​​​​​The verification and criteria for the reimbursement of related expenses shall be carried out in accordance with the "Subsidies and Principles for the Use of Funds for Promoting Bilingualization in Higher Education Institutions."
    The implementation of these payment regulations shall be carried out after approval by the school principal, and any amendments shall follow the same process.