EMI教師增能與交流專區 EMI Teacher Empowerment & Workshop

[2022.01.10] 110學年01月份EMI教師經驗交流會 January EMI Teacher Experience Sharing Meeting in the 110th Academic Year

[2022.01.10] 110學年01月份EMI教師經驗交流會 January EMI Teacher Experience Sharing Meeting in the 110th Academic Year

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  • 螢幕擷取畫面 2022-10-17 112433.jpg
  1. NYCU EMI Program
    1. 教育部目標 Overall goal of Ministry of Education
      1. 2024年達到「25-20-20」:
        1. 英文能力:25% 的大二學生,在聽說讀寫達到 CEFR B2 以上的流利精熟等級
        2. 所修學分:20% 的大二學生與碩一學生,在其當年所修學分中的 20% 以上為全英語課程
      2. 2030年達成「50-50-50」:
        1. 50% 的大二學生在聽說讀寫達到 CEFR B2 以上的流利精熟程度
        2. 至少有 50% 的大二學生與碩一學生其當年學分中的 50% 以上為全英語課程
        3. 畢業證書EMI修課認證
      3. NYCU運作架構(如上圖)
  1. EMI雙語教學經驗分享會-生物醫學工程學系 羅俊民老師
    1. EMI at the Yang Ming campus
      1. We don’t teach English, we teach in English
      2. We kill two birds (content and language) with one stone if EMI works well.
    2. The major EMI challenge at the YM campus
      1. Teacher lack a consensus on the necessity of teaching in English
      2. Most of them think they have insufficient English proficiency and cannot teach in English fluently, so they have low motivation and lack self-confidence
      3. 語言技巧教學之課室用語For English teacher/課室英語手冊For all subject teachers
    1. My personal experience at USF
      1. Make your speaking easy to understand and follow
      2. Make sure that students understand essential information
      3. Code-switching should be allowed as a teaching strategy in EMI classrooms when necessary
      4. Help students (less proficient in English) cope with EMI content by facilitating learning in Chinese and guiding them to repackage content
    2. Some closing thoughts
      1. Learning to teach content in English is challenging but worthwhile
      2. Make it easier by
        1. Avoiding reinventing the wheel – many resources are already available
        2. Trying one thing at a time – perhaps start with the most comfortable thing to change
        3. Watching and getting feedback from instructors who are experienced with EMI learning
        4. Being transparent with students
    3. I’m not telling you it’s going to be easy, I’m telling you it’s going to be worth it.