EMI教師增能與交流專區 EMI Teacher Empowerment & Workshop

[2022.04.13] 110學年04月份EMI教師經驗交流會 April EMI Teacher Experience Sharing Meeting in the 110th Academic Year

[2022.04.13] 110學年04月份EMI教師經驗交流會 April EMI Teacher Experience Sharing Meeting in the 110th Academic Year

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分享教師:心智哲學研究所 嚴偉哲教授 & 生物醫學影像暨放射科學系 盧家鋒教授
時間:2022年10月19日 12:10-13:10
地點:知行樓前棟 203教室
心智哲學研究所 嚴偉哲教授
1.Group discussion
•Do you think it’s reasonable for Taiwan to promote English- Medium Instruction (EMI)? If so, why? If not, why not?
•How can we incentivize teachers to teach EMI courses? How can we incentivize students to take EMI courses?
•What are the biggest challenges when it comes to converting a Chinese-Medium Instruction (CMI) course into an EMI course?
•In your courses, do you do anything in addition to lecturing during class time? If so, what else do you do?
2. The long-term goal of EMI in Taiwan / NYCU
CMI courses can attract Chinese-speaking students. But English is the language of international communication. EMI courses can attract English-speaking students from all over the world.
3. Concerns you might have about going from CMI to EMI
My advice:
  • If you teach an EMI course, don’t spend your class time giving a two-hour lecture in English every week.
  • Do something else during class time, for example, short lectures followed by small group activities and class discussions.
4.Why not give a two-hour lecture in English?
I don’t usually give two-hour lectures.
I use class time to do things that we can’t do outside of class time.
  • Small group activities followed by large group discussions can only happen when we’re all together.
  • What’s the difference between watching/listening to a lecture in class (when we’re all together) vs. on YouTube (by yourself)?
5. What if students need a two-hour lecture?
You could make a video of yourself giving a lecture each week, and ask students to watch it outside of class time.
If there are videos on YouTube that have lectures on the material that you’re teaching, you could ask students to watch those videos.
Another advantage of videos vs. in-class lectures: subtitles
6. What can you do in class besides lecturing for two hours?
7. Harry Brighouse’s two iron laws of college reading
“Law One: The more reading you assign, the less the students will read.”
“Law Two: The more you talk in class, the less the students will read.”
8. Challenges and goals in going from CMI to EMI
Ensuring that the use of English does not result in poor learning outcomes
Making effective use of class meetings and mixing lectures with discussions and activities
Encouraging students to complete the required readings before class and to participate actively in class discussions
Using classroom activities to improve students’ understanding of the material and to encourage discussion
生物醫學影像暨放射科學系 盧家鋒教授
1. 醫工學院背景與挑戰
  • 英文是否真的學以致用?
  • 未來專業發展,英文是否為國際競合力的關鍵要素
2. EMI推動經驗分享
3. 教育部推動
4. 教師EMI課程設計
EMI= English as the Medium of Instruction
5. EMI學生回饋
6. English Chat Hour
7. Using Class Time for the Important Content
Need-to-know information
Nice-to-know information
Don’t-need-to-know information
8. Tips on the EMI teaching and assessment
It does take time! Don’t rush.
Redesign your course step-by-step.
Feedback requires practice.