EMI教師增能與交流專區 EMI Teacher Empowerment & Workshop

[2022.11.10] 111學年11月份EMI教師經驗交流會 November EMI Teacher Experience Sharing Meeting in the 111th Academic Year

[2022.11.10] 111學年11月份EMI教師經驗交流會 November EMI Teacher Experience Sharing Meeting in the 111th Academic Year

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分享教師:醫學生物技術暨檢驗學系 張懿欣老師
時間:2022年11月10日 12:10-13:10
地點:知行樓前棟 203教室
  1. 英語授課
    • 初衷/動機與轉變
      從歐洲的Summer school開始,2學分/36個小時,來自18個不同國家的學生,開啟了英語授課之旅。2011年在陽明大學的國際衛生學程中,受邀開始在學程中擔任課程的老師,更是讓我有了不同的教育眼光。
    • 英語授課的想法
  1. 外籍vs台灣學生
    • 心理準備
    • 授課心得與建議
      對於專業背景的歧異,了解並尊重學生背景,透過跟學生的聊天,調整上課的形式,加入一些online teaching tool。

  2. 結語
    • 在政策面/執行面上,必修/證照專業科目要翻轉成EMI授課還是有許多壓力,因為是證照考試的系所,因此系上是從選修開始翻轉。對於學生,會希望以鼓勵性取代強制性,讓學生有夠多學習動機,進而增加學習表現。對於教師端,會建議鼓勵的配套措施(如教師評鑑)。最終回到教育本質上,百年樹人/素質養成really takes times!

November EMI Teacher Experience Sharing Workshop of the 111th Academic Year

Speaker: Teacher Zhang Yixin from the Department of Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology

Date: November 10, 2022

Time: 12:10-13:10

Location: Room 203, Front Building of Zhixing Building

Participants: Teacher Chen Qiaonan, Teacher Zhang Jingzhi, Teacher Zhuang Huiyan, Teacher Lu Jiafeng, Teacher Yan Weizhe, Teacher Gao Yujie, Teacher Cai Minghan, Teacher Xue Te, Ye Zuxiu, Chen Yijie

Experience sharing content:

  1. English Teaching
  • Original Intention/Motivation and Changes
Starting from the European Summer School, with 2 credits/36 hours, and students from 18 different countries, it opened the journey of English teaching. In 2011, I was invited to teach courses in the International Health Program at Yang Ming University, which gave me a different perspective on education.
  • Ideas about English Teaching

Over the past 11 years, the experience of English teaching has been different every year. In 2022, starting from this semester, teaching EMI courses, I discovered that EMI teaching is really different from English teaching because of the characteristics of the students we face, which are completely different.

  1. Foreign vs Taiwanese Students
  • Mental Preparation

Foreign students have several characteristics: strong motivation to learn, strong initiative/interactivity. Although there is not much difference in English proficiency in international programs, differences in accents sometimes lead to memorable incidents in communication. Finally, there is the diversity in professional backgrounds. In this aspect, by understanding students' backgrounds and having conversations about their daily lives, we can determine course design and content to deepen knowledge in students' minds.

Taiwanese students are not like foreign students. Their motivation to learn is generally lower, not to mention interactivity. How to motivate Taiwanese students to improve in these areas is something that teachers need to put more effort into in course design.

  • Teaching Experience and Suggestions

Regarding the diversity in professional backgrounds, it is important to understand and respect students' backgrounds and adjust the format of classes through conversations with students, incorporating online teaching tools.

For EMI courses, which are taught on a per-session basis, it is recommended to explain the course outline in the first class and provide definitions of specialized terms with the assistance of Chinese.

Increase the time for Q&A. Finally, conclude the entire class to leave a stronger impression on students.

  1. Conclusion
  • In terms of policy/implementation, there is still a lot of pressure to transform compulsory/licensed professional subjects into EMI courses because it is a department related to licensing exams. Therefore, the transformation starts from elective courses. For students, it is hoped to replace compulsion with encouragement, providing them with sufficient motivation for learning and thereby improving learning performance. For teachers, it is recommended to have supportive measures such as teacher evaluations. Ultimately, it returns to the essence of education, "Educating students for a century/developing their qualities" really takes time!