NYCU 雙語學習攻略目標
在地人才國際化 國際人才在地化
Localize ⇔ Globalize
(一) 專業知識 Domain Knowledge
(二) 全球視野 Global Perspective
(三) 有效溝通 Effective Communication
(四) 批判思考 Critical Thinking
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NYCU Learning Strategies in Bilingual Education
Localize ⇔ Globalize
Four Core Value
I. Domain Knowledge
II.Global Perspective
III.Effective Communication
IV.Critical Thinking
Reward Card
Participate in any events held by Bilingual Education Promotion Task Force and get a sticker. When you collect 3 stickers on one single reward card, you'll get a lovely present for free!Read More
NYCU EMI Strategy map
For teachers
Support system
Empowerment system
For students
Improvement on English proficiency
English in daily life
Engagement in English
On campus
English learning resources
English problem-solving station
All about bilingual education
The 3-minute serires "EMI for Dummies"