CBMSE Podcast-Wassup NYCU

EP8 How to join a lab/project?

EP8 How to join a lab/project?


Episode 8 Introduction
Other than playing around with clubs or ball games, have you tried joining a lab or research project? Challenging as it may sound, it can be a unique experience in your college life and benefits a lot to your pursuit of the professional field. What are the things we will be faced with after joining a project? What can I learn through the process? Today, Sean and Professor Anny Chen from the Nursing department is in the house, and our hosts seem to have a lot of questions for them. Let’s see what will the “researchers” talk about!

Wassup NYCU is a podcast in which we share interesting facts about our campus. We look forward to exploring different lives in NYCU with you!

If you have anything to inform us or any advice, feel free to contact us by email at: bmse.emi@gmail.com.

第八集 介紹】

除了到處玩社團和打球賽以外,你有試過加入實驗室或研究計畫嗎?聽起來也許很累,但這可是個大學生涯中獨特的經驗,也可以讓你在追求專業領域時幫助你不少喔!加入研究計畫會遇到什麼事情呢?這個過程中我會學到什麼?今天,來自護理學系的Sean跟教授Anny Chen大駕光臨,而且我們的主持人看來有許多問題想問呢!讓我們來看看「做研究的人」都聊些什麼吧!

Wassup NYCUPodcast節目中,我們會分享校園中的趣事。期待聽眾們與我們一起探索NYCU中不同的生活!


來賓護理學系-Prof. Anny Chen & Sean
音樂| 曾安平
