雙語獎勵與招募專區 Incentives and hiring information

生物醫學暨工程學院學生英語活動獎勵辦法 Student English Activity Incentive Policy

生物醫學暨工程學院學生英語活動獎勵辦法 Student English Activity Incentive Policy



  1. 目的
  2. 申請原則
  • 活動內容需為10人以上且至少30分鐘的全英語活動。
  • 獎勵活動可為整體活動之部分時段,例如迎新過程中的一段全英語活動、系所活動中的一段全英語串場過程。
  • 不限於全系所活動,班級、實驗室等團體活動亦可申請。
  1. 申請與結案辦法
    • 活動申請單以及獎勵金規劃使用表須於活動前兩週繳交
    • 活動過程須配合進行EMI相關宣傳與問卷調查。
    • 活動完畢須於兩週內繳交活動記錄單及活動照片檔,方能進行經費核銷。
  2. 獎勵原則
    • 依據活動內容給予獎勵金,上限為五千元為原則。如活動人數達100人,獎勵上限可視活動內容提高。
    • 獎勵金為實報實銷,品項須符合規畫使用表,發票需有學校統編/抬頭(87557573/國立陽明交通大學)
  3. 獎勵金使用原則
    • 耗材費用(活動雜支、印刷費)
    • 誤餐費(僅補助中午時段活動)
  4. 受理單位
醫工院EMI推廣辦公室,E-mail: bmse.emi@gmail.com
  1. Purpose:
    To encourage students not only to learn professional English knowledge in class, but also to apply English through self-organized activities. 
  2. Application principles:
    The activity content must be a full-English activity with at least 30 minutes and a minimum of 10 participants. Rewardable activities can be a part of the overall activity, such as a full-English activity during the orientation process, or a full-English segment during a departmental activity. Not limited to the entire departmental activities, class, laboratory and other group activities can also be applied. 

  3. Application and closing methods:
    The activity application form and reward plan must be submitted two weeks before the activity. The activity process must be accompanied by EMI-related publicity and questionnaire surveys. The activity record sheet and activity photo files must be submitted within two weeks after the activity is completed before fund reimbursement. 

  4. Reward principles:
    Rewardable funds are based on the activity content, with a maximum principle of NT$5,000. If the number of participants reaches 100, the reward limit can be increased based on the activity content. The reward fund is based on actual expenses and items must comply with the planned use form. The invoice must have the school's unified business number / name (87557573 / National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University). 

  5. Reward fund usage principles:
    Consumable costs (activity miscellaneous expenses, printing fees) Meal compensation (only for activities during lunch hours) 

  6. Acceptance unit:
    BME EMI Promotion Office, Email:

  7. 檔案下載