線上課程專區 Online Courses



Department of Biomedical Imaging and Radiological Sciences | C.F.Lu | MATLAB Progamming for Medical Image Processing and 3D Printing


MATLAB Progamming for Medical Image Processing and 3D Printing 

-教學目標 Objective-

本課程將以MATLAB程式語言為工具,以醫學影像分析為實例,將活體醫學影像,經由基礎程式設計實現醫學影像處理步驟,並據此建構3D模型,最終以陽明大學創客空間(Maker Space)之3D列印設施產生實體物品。本課程將透過課堂講授與實作交流,輔以線上自主學習影片,期望透過任務導向型的學習課程,讓學生深刻了解醫學影像分析結合3D列印應用於臨床醫療(例如:外科手術、牙科、輔具製作)的重要性。
This course will use MATLAB programming language as the platform to focus on medical image processing and combine with the Maker Space of NYCU for 3D printing. Multimodal contents of this course, including real-world MRI/CT images, hands-on practice, and online learning videos, can enhance students' motivation and engagement for active learning.


第一週: 課程簡介與MATLAB程式環境介紹
Week 1: Course introduction and MATLAB environment

Week 2: Basic language usage - medical image import
第三週: 矩陣取值、運算-影像局部處理與解析度調整
Week 3: Matrix operation and computation - image size and resolution adjustment
第四週: 函式建立與應用-影像平滑化與邊緣偵測
Week 4: Function - image smoothing and edge detection
第五週: 結構矩陣-DICOM資訊與影像對比調整
Week 5: Structure array - DICOM metadata and contrast adjustment
第六週: 異質矩陣-Excel資料讀寫
Week 6: Cell array - read and write Excel file
第七週: 流程控制for-loopwhile-loop-三維影像存取與運算
Week 7: Flow control, for-loop and while-loop - import and calculation of 3-dimensional images
第八週: 流程控制if-elseswitch-case-影像閾值運算
Week 8: Flow control, if-else and switch-case - region of interest and thresholding
第九週: 期中考-醫學影像處理上機實測
Week 9: 
Midterm computer test
第十週: 期中考檢討、3D列印專題分組與期末目標說明
Week 10: Midterm discussion and orientation of final team project

第十一週: 圖形架構與資料繪製-資料曲線與影像繪製
Week 11: Graphic structure - curve and image display


第十二週: 3D立體影像繪製與建模-表面與體積描繪
Week 12: 3D object rendering - surface and volume rendering

第十三週: 3D列印原理與檔案輸出-產生STL檔
Week 13: Introduction of 3D printing and STL file output

第十四週: 3D列印機操作說明與列印示範
Week 14: Operation of 3D printer and G-code file

第十五週: 創客空間Maker Space-3D列印實作
Week 15: 3D printing hands-on at NYCU Maker Space
第十六週: 內容與目標:分享與討論 影像處理與3D列印的成果、困難與解決方式
Week 16:Final team report