線上課程專區 Online Courses



Department of Biomedical Imaging and Radiological Sciences | C.F.Lu | Analysis of Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Analysis of Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging

-教學目標 Objective-

Students should be able to learn the principles and analyses of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), including the imaging parameters, standard preprocessing, general linear model, multi-voxel pattern analysis, independent component analysis, amplitude of low-frequency fluctuation, functional connectivity, and graph theory. Through the given lectures, hands-on practices, and literature review, students should be able to handle the essential analysis skills to facilitate their own researches in the fMRI field.

Week 1: Course Introduction and Overview

Week 2: Principles of BOLD fMRI
Week 3:Experimental Design of BOLD fMRI
Week 4: Neuroanatomy and Image Atlas
Week 5: Visit of YM 3T-MRI Facility - Data Acquisition
Week 6: Image Preprocessing of fMRI
Week 7: Brain Activation - General Linear Model: Part I
Week 8: Brain Activation - General Linear Model: Part II
Week 9: Resting-State Brain Activity - ReHo and ALFF
Week 10: Brain Network - Independent Component Analysis
Week 11: Brain Network - Functional Connectivity



Week 12: Brain Network - Dynamic Casual Modeling

Week 13: Brain Network - Dynamic Functional Connectivity
Week 14: Brain Network - Graph Theory and Topological Properties
Week 15: Brain Decoding - Multivariate Pattern Analysis: Part I
Week 16: Brain Decoding - Multivariate Pattern Analysis: Part II
Week 17: Final Report: Part I
Week 18: Final Report: Part II