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    NYCU TALK 碩博組參賽心得 NYCU TALK Graduate Group Competition Experience Sharing

    - NYCU TALK參賽心得分享 -

    碩博組 電機系博士 黃千瑜

    我花了很多時間思考「如何讓『大眾』都能了解我的研究與其背後的動機」! 隔行如隔山,大家不可能了解每個領域的專有名詞,因此淺顯易懂的說明、有趣的「比喻」和「形容」研究成果都是必要的,而說故事的模式經常引人入勝。

    2. 準備過程中有遇到任何問題嗎,最後如何解決呢?

    3.對於有興趣參與NYCU talk show的同學有什麼鼓勵的話想說嗎?

    我很推薦參與這項活動! 但不要把它想成是一個競賽,而是一個可以盡情展現自我的舞台。不管是分享生活經驗或學術研究,我相信所有的參與者都能找到自己的理想!

    1. Did you do any preparation for this competition?

    I spent a lot of time thinking about "how to make my research and its motivation understandable to the general public"! Different fields have their own jargon, and it is necessary to provide clear explanations, interesting "metaphors" and "descriptions" of research results. The storytelling mode often captivates the audience.

    2. Did you encounter any problems during the preparation process, and how did you solve them in the end?

    I think the biggest problem was "due to the outbreak of the pandemic, the competition was changed to an online format". When communicating with people face-to-face, I have natural eye contact and body language, but facing a computer camera is a different story. For nearly a week, I observed how beauty influencers do live streams and sell products, learned from their facial expressions and speaking tones, and participated in the competition with a sharing mindset.

    3. Do you have any words of encouragement for students interested in participating in the NYCU talk show?

    I strongly recommend participating in this event! However, instead of seeing it as a competition, think of it as a stage where you can showcase yourself to the fullest. Whether you are sharing life experiences or academic research, I believe that all participants can find their ideal presentation style.

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    EP10 Teaching Life & Story in NYCU

    【Episode 10 Introduction】
    In NYCU, there are a group of people who take a huge part in our college life. They are the teachers! Have you ever wondered what a professor’s life in NYCU is like? Are you curious about how professors think of students or the other way around how students view their teachers? In this episode, we have Associate Professor Yu-An Lu from the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures to share with us what she thinks as a college teacher. By the way, our hosts may be very nervous right now, since our guest is an expert in English! Let’s join their talk!

    Wassup NYCU is a podcast in which we share interesting facts about our campus. We look forward to exploring different lives in NYCU with you!

    If you have anything to inform us or any advice, feel free to contact us by email at: bmse.emi@gmail.com.

    【第十集 介紹】

    在Wassup NYCU的Podcast節目中,我們會分享校園中的趣事。期待聽眾們與我們一起探索NYCU中不同的生活!


    音樂| 曾安平

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    EP9 Cheerleading team always stands with you!

    【Episode 9 Introduction】
    Have you ever joined any sports team or take part in a competition? There are a group of people you may found in the competitions. They are not playing on the court, but their sound and dance must have caught your attention! Today, we have Pat from the cheerleading team, CheerFox in NYCU to introduce the team! What do they do in the regular gatherings? Why did Pat choose to join the team? Come check it out!

    Wassup NYCU is a podcast in which we share interesting facts about our campus. We look forward to exploring different lives in NYCU with you!

    If you have anything to inform us or any advice, feel free to contact us by email at: bmse.emi@gmail.com.

    【第九集 介紹】

    在Wassup NYCU的Podcast節目中,我們會分享校園中的趣事。期待聽眾們與我們一起探索NYCU中不同的生活!


    音樂| 曾安平

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    EP8 How to join a lab/project?

    【Episode 8 Introduction】
    Other than playing around with clubs or ball games, have you tried joining a lab or research project? Challenging as it may sound, it can be a unique experience in your college life and benefits a lot to your pursuit of the professional field. What are the things we will be faced with after joining a project? What can I learn through the process? Today, Sean and Professor Anny Chen from the Nursing department is in the house, and our hosts seem to have a lot of questions for them. Let’s see what will the “researchers” talk about!

    Wassup NYCU is a podcast in which we share interesting facts about our campus. We look forward to exploring different lives in NYCU with you!

    If you have anything to inform us or any advice, feel free to contact us by email at: bmse.emi@gmail.com.

    【第八集 介紹】
    除了到處玩社團和打球賽以外,你有試過加入實驗室或研究計畫嗎?聽起來也許很累,但這可是個大學生涯中獨特的經驗,也可以讓你在追求專業領域時幫助你不少喔!加入研究計畫會遇到什麼事情呢?這個過程中我會學到什麼?今天,來自護理學系的Sean跟教授Anny Chen大駕光臨,而且我們的主持人看來有許多問題想問呢!讓我們來看看「做研究的人」都聊些什麼吧!

    在Wassup NYCU的Podcast節目中,我們會分享校園中的趣事。期待聽眾們與我們一起探索NYCU中不同的生活!


    來賓|護理學系-Prof. Anny Chen & Sean
    音樂| 曾安平

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    EP7 Club Life

    【Episode 7 Introduction】
    There is one thing that you can’t miss in your college life – clubs! What kind of clubs have you joined? In this episode, Tin and Catherine invited Kristina to talk about her club life in the fire dance club and all the exciting moments while doing fire dancing. Do they eat fire? Do they get burned? What is the most unforgettable part of her club life? Let’s dig in!

    Wassup NYCU is a podcast in which we share interesting facts about our campus. We look forward to exploring different lives in NYCU with you!

    If you have anything to inform us or any advice, feel free to contact us by email at: bmse.emi@gmail.com.

    【第七集 介紹】

    在Wassup NYCU的Podcast節目中,我們會分享校園中的趣事。期待聽眾們與我們一起探索NYCU中不同的生活!


    音樂| 曾安平

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    EP6 Life of an international student in NYCU

    【Episode 6 Introduction】
    In our campus, you can find various kinds of people with different cultural backgrounds and nationalities. How are their daily lives different from us? What are some of their stories about pursuing studies in Taiwan? Today, our special guest Atiqah from Malaysia will share her experience here in NYCU with us and some of her advice of meeting a different culture. Come join us!

    Wassup NYCU is a podcast in which we share interesting facts about our campus. We look forward to exploring different lives in NYCU with you!

    If you have anything to inform us or any advice, feel free to contact us by email at: bmse.emi@gmail.com.

    【第六集 介紹】
    在Wassup NYCU的Podcast節目中,我們會分享校園中的趣事。期待聽眾們與我們一起探索NYCU中不同的生活!



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    Orange and Blue Bold Choose Our Brand Instagram Post _4_.png

    EP5 Perfect match: Who’s your ideal girlfriend/boyfriend?

    【Episode 5 Introduction】
    Have you ever dreamed of what your Prince Charming or Snow White is like? What are the top traits on your list of your perfect match?
    In this episode, Tin and Catherine will talk about some of the popular features of ideal partners. Is your top 1 trait on their list? Come check it out!

    Wassup NYCU is a podcast in which we share interesting facts about our campus. We look forward to exploring different lives in NYCU with you!

    If you have anything to inform us or any advice, feel free to contact us by email at: bmse.emi@gmail.com.

    【第五集 介紹】
    在Wassup NYCU的Podcast節目中,我們會分享校園中的趣事。期待聽眾們與我們一起探索NYCU中不同的生活!


    音樂| 曾安平

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    Orange and Blue Bold Choose Our Brand Instagram Post _3_.png

    EP4 Internship sharing

    【Episode 4 Introduction】
    “I have internship tomorrow.” “Internship is just so tiring!” Do you often hear your friends or roommates complaining about their internship? However, there are much more fun facts about internship that they may not tell you! What do they do during internship? What are they faced with? Is there any interesting or touching stories? In this episode, Catherine and Tin invited Wesley from 醫學系日常, who is a 5th grade medical student going through his internship to the show. Let’s find out what is internship really like!

    Wassup NYCU is a podcast in which we share interesting facts about our campus. We look forward to exploring different lives in NYCU with you!

    If you have anything to inform us or any advice, feel free to contact us by email at: bmse.emi@gmail.com.

    【第四集 介紹】

    在Wassup NYCU的Podcast節目中,我們會分享校園中的趣事。期待聽眾們與我們一起探索NYCU中不同的生活!


    音樂| 曾安平

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    Orange and Blue Bold Choose Our Brand Instagram Post _2_.png

    EP3 Exchange life-Let’s go abroad!

    【Episode 3 Introduction】
    Have you ever thought about studying abroad? Have you considered becoming an exchange student and creating unforgettable memories? In this episode, we invite our first guest, Nina, a fourth-year medical student, to share her interesting experiences when she was a clerk at a hospital in Denmark in the summer of 2022. This one-month exchange program has brought new excitement to her life. Let's find out more about Nina's adventure and experience as an exchange student in this episode of Wassup NYCU!

    Wassup NYCU is a podcast in which we share interesting facts about our campus. Let the “wassup” in our podcast name lead us to find out what is happening in our campus, and we are looking forward to exploring different lives in NYCU with you!

    If you have any inquiries or suggestions, please feel free to email us at bmse.emi@gmail.com.
    (The full name of IFMSA mentioned in the episode is the International Federation of Medical Students' Associations, and FMS-Taiwan is the Federation of Medical Students in Taiwan.)

    【第三集 介紹】
    你曾經有過出國讀書的想法嗎?有沒有想過去當交換學生,留下滿滿的回憶呢? 本集邀請節目的第一位來賓,目前就讀醫學系大四的Nina,來分享她在2022的暑假去丹麥醫院見習的期間發生了哪些有趣的故事?這段一個月的交換生活,是否有帶來新的刺激?

    在Wassup NYCU的Podcast節目中,我們會分享校園中的趣事。透過「wassup」的招呼,帶著我們一起看看在NYCU的校園中有什麼新鮮事,我們也期待聽眾們與我們一起探索NYCU中不同的生活!

    (節目中提到的IFMSA全名為國際醫學生聯合會 International Federation of Medical Students' Associations,FMS-Taiwan則是台灣醫學生聯合會 Federation of Medical Students in Taiwan。)

    音樂| 曾安平

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    Orange and Blue Bold Choose Our Brand Instagram Post _1_.png

    EP2 Which one do you prefer? Student cafeteria or 7-11?

    【Episode 2 Introduction】
    Have you ever wondered what students eat at school? Do they opt for the student cafeteria or head to 711? In this episode, hosts Tin and Catherine, with their differing opinions, embark on a street interview to explore the dining habits of students at Yangming campus. Let's delve into what their fellow students choose and uncover the factors that influence their dining decisions!
    Wassup NYCU is a podcast in which we share interesting facts about our campus. Let the “wassup” in our podcast name lead us to find out what is happening in our campus, and we are looking forward to exploring different lives in NYCU with you!

    If you have any inquiries or suggestions, please feel free to email us at bmse.emi@gmail.com.

    【第二集 介紹】


    在Wassup NYCU的Podcast節目中,我們會分享校園中的趣事。透過「wassup」的招呼,帶著我們一起看看在NYCU的校園中有什麼新鮮事,我們也期待聽眾們與我們一起探索NYCU中不同的生活!

    音樂| 曾安平

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    EP1 What’s in your bag?

    【Episode 1 Introduction】
    “What’s in your bag?” Do you believe that  “You are what you BRING?” In our first episode, our hosts Tin & Catherine introduced themselves by revealing each other’s bags. Let’s get to know them by getting a look of what’s inside of their bags!

    Wassup NYCU is a podcast in which we share interesting facts about our campus. Let the “wassup” in our podcast name lead us to find out what is happening in our campus, and we are looking forward to exploring different lives in NYCU with you! 

    If you have anything to inform us or any advice, feel free to contact us by email at: bmse.emi@gmail.com.

    【第一集 介紹】

    在Wassup NYCU的Podcast節目中,我們會分享校園中的趣事。透過「wassup」的招呼,帶著我們一起看看在NYCU的校園中有什麼新鮮事,我們也期待聽眾們與我們一起探索NYCU中不同的生活!


    音樂| 曾安平
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    113學年度第1學期EMI課程資訊 EMI Course Info

    - 113-01 -


    EMI Course Information

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